Get the workout out of the way first thing
Woke up this morning and it was flogging rain and still dark outside — sure signs that autumn is drawing in. In my part of Germany, since Corona kicked off back in March, we’ve been lucky enough to have had mostly dry weather so I’ve been using those glorious early dawns to do a quick run before knuckling down to work at home. I’m an early riser these days (hey — over 50 right!), so it’s been a no-brainer really to just get up, grab a coffee, on with the runners, out the door, a few rounds of the park, stretch, home, shower, dress and be sitting at my desk in under an hour.
Workouts At Home
But now with winter approaching, even with the best of intentions, the cold, dark and possibly rainy or snowy early mornings can be very off-putting. What to do? During the lockdown, I found a few handy YouTube videos that will get your heart rate up, help you maintain your condition, and leave you feeling fit and ready to face the day.
Find Your Pace
I’m a pretty mediocre runner, clocking in at 70 minutes for 10 km so these workouts suit my pace really well. I’m fit, but you would never catch me doing more than 2 or 3 burpees before I’m flaked out on the bed and needing a cup of tea to recover. Some…